Our training and service reviews improve quality.
Quality through service
Techmark's experience in service training and quality related reviews creates value for your operation.
Techmark offers;
Our full system on-site reviews include an inspection of all ventilation and control equipment. These reviews can be seen as a 3rd party evaluation of your control systems and how they are functioning. We submit a report at the end of our reviews with recommended action items such as set points and equipment found to be in need of repair or replacement.
We perform remote reviews via web enabled software. During these reviews, we evaluate trends to identify potential problems and opportunities to improve settings. We have also used ventilation analysis to correct many of the issues commonly found in mushroom facilities. CFD allows us to quickly model your rooms without physically making alterations to the room before finding the best solution. These are just some of the tools Techmark brings to our clients to increase their quality.
Producers have found these reviews to be of great value. Reviews educate staff on equipment operation, troubleshooting and set points. Through Techmark reviews we become an asset for your team to maintain efficiencies and maximize expectations.
Broken dampers
Missing linkage arm
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Techmark Inc. Technology from the ground up 1-517-322-0250 www.techmark-inc.com techmark@techmark-inc.com
Techmark, Inc.
15400 S. US 27
Lansing MI 48906
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