Custom Panel Fabrication
In-house Custom Panel Shop
UL Listed.
Techmark delivers on time and on budget.
For over 25 years Techmark has designed and completed quality projects. Our business depends upon timely completion using high quality materials and innovative design. We have been located in the Lansing, Michigan all 26 years of our existence. With in-house panel production and locally sourced inventory we are able to reduce lead-time and keep costs low. You will get our best price each and every time we quote a project.
For a project quote or more information on our capabilities please contact Techmark by email at or by contacting our office 517-322-0250.
One of our technicians working on a project.
On Site Testing To Ensure Correct Operation
Gallery of Images
Our staff has over 30 years experience in panel building and design.
What is a UL Approved Panel shop and why does it matter?
A UL listed panel must be built by a UL approved panel shop. The standard used is UL508A for Industrial Control Panels, but the standard states that it applies to controls panels for air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, too. UL508A gives the standards for enclosure type, live component spacing, grounding requirements, fuse or circuit breaker protection, labeling, wire types and sizing, etc. There are about 175 pages in the standard that must be followed. We get random inspections by the UL inspector to make sure we are following the standard and we take that commitment seriously. Once a UL listed panel is completed, all of the components will be verified to meet the standard and all proper labels will be attached.
Techmark Inc. Technology from the ground up 1-517-322-0250
Techmark, Inc.
15400 S. US 27
Lansing MI 48906
All materials copyrighted.