Sensors for storage and beyond..
Techmark offers a wide range of sensors for your needs.
We use high quality, proven technologies that are durable and accurate in any of the challenging environments we place them in. For more information about which sensors would meet your needs please contact our team at 517-322-0250.
Need a mobile unit for your team?
Take a look at our P-Sense CO2 hand held meter with temperature and humidity sensing. Click here.
Wet/Dry bulb RH sensor
A weather station designed and installed by Techmark.
This station was designed to record precipitation and relay that data to a website via wireless connection.
Our CFM fan measures air speed and can be used to confirm the ventilation system is operating as intended.
This above pile sensor is being used to detect relative humidity and temperature. In this application the sensor is part of our Prescriptive Ventilation system.
Techmark Inc. Technology from the ground up 1-517-322-0250
Techmark, Inc.
15400 S. US 27
Lansing MI 48906
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