Fancom Lumina
Techmark/Fancom Control Systems
Our Control Computers are widely acknowledged as the best in the business. For over 30 years, we have been selling and servicing control systems for the mushroom industry. We work closely with our clients to understand and collaborate on new products. We offer service on everything we sell as well. Our location and inventory make us a responsive service provider for all of your repair and installation needs.
Key metrics in an easy to use touch pad
Design and Planning Services
Lumina Screens are durable in the demanding environment of mushroom production. Full color graphics with an easy to understand user interface.
Ventilation Design and Planning Services
We offer design planning services for mushroom related projects. We can design heating and cooling requirements for all aspects of mushroom production and help identify equipment solutions.
Techmark Inc. Technology from the ground up 1-517-322-0250
Techmark, Inc.
15400 S. US 27
Lansing MI 48906
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